Copyright © Christian Sandfeld
You have just started your new online business but how do you promote it? In fact 90% of new online marketers will fail and stop there business within the first 14days. Not because they got a bad product or a zero dollar marketing budget, no, they just don’t obey the 2 most important rules.
- Where and how to advertise
- Marketing is not a sprint it’s a never ending Marathon!
Obey the rules and you won’t fail.
Where and how to loose a lot of money without results
Advertising your product or opportunity can be that easy, register with 2-3 large traffic exchanges, buy 1000-3000 hits from each, get a Google AdWords account and spend 300-500$ per week on keywords… STOP! You don’t want to do THAT!
We don’t want to advertise at the moment. We want first to determine our target group, find our sale pitch and set our own realistic goals Answer for yourself this 3 questions:
- Who’s your customer?
Its important to know your product exactly and who you want to sell it too. Its absolutely necessary that you line out what kind of customer you want. Most of the facts we use to determine our target group are pure statistics. That’s not fun or exciting but so important that I can’t stress it enough!
Eg. I sell web hosting, so my target audience is the typical Joe with internet access who has a credit card and can read & write English.
Those 3 facts lowered already the numbers of my target countries down to a nice little list. USA, CAN, MEX, ARG, JP, AUS, NZ, UAE, EU, UK. They all fulfill my 3 search criteria’s, large number of Internet users, high rate of Credit Card owner, and a very high chance that they can speak English.
If you don’t know where to start your research,
is a good place to begin.
- Why should they buy your product?
Does your product have a sale pitch? It defiantly has;. Familiarize with it!
Tell me now with one simple sentence:
WHY do I need your product?
To stay with my webhosting example my answer would be: “I have my own private E-mail address for life and a place to host all my pictures.” Easy isn’t it? J
- What are your goals?
Marketing is a game and you have to always keep that in mind. You should set yourself 3 different goals, Minimum, OK and Maximum all in achievable range. Setting your own goals is very important to keep track of your business. You won’t help yourself and your confidence when you set goals that are way over the top or way to low.
For my example I set the goals to: Minimum: 3 new customers OK: 7 new customers, and Maximum 20 new customers per month. Explanation: With 3-6 new customers I got some growth but that’s the minimum I expect. I’m not happy with it and have defiantly to change my marketing strategies. With 7-19 new customers I met my expectations for the time and money invested. 20+ is the mark I can only hit with a lot of fortune or the perfect marketing. Since I don’t believe in the perfect marketing its pure luck J
Answered all the questions? Great, you already build your first marketing concept. We determined our targeted customers, found our sale pitch and set our goals! Now we start the more practical part.
Where to advertise!
We want to focus on our determined target group so we need laser targeted advertising. The net offers countless possibilities. I want to give you some ideas where to start. Before we start to advertise we need a click tracker like Trackthatad that we know witch advertisement works and witch doesn’t. All the links to sites that might be of interest for you can be found on my website .
Google Adwords/PPC advertisement
AdWords can make or break you. It’s a science of its own. I’m not an AdWords expert but you can find more then enough free know-how on the web. My advice is: Don’t leave it behind, use this great tool but make sure that you know what you are doing before you take any actions! A bad campaign can easily cost you hundreds of dollars with out results. There are a lot of other PPC advertisers beside Google some even offer you free credits to start just pay attention when you are surfing.
Buying leads
They are a great way to advertise but only if you can and will call them. They are way to expensive to just to send an E-Mail that will never be read. You can buy leads from different sources and in different qualitys. Its up to you and your marketing budget.
This is your best free source of laser targeted prospects. Find some good forums and talk about your product and what you are doing. Nothing is easier and brings more results. There are even special communities build like MySpace but for small and home based business where you can share experiences and ideas with thousands of like minded people. Use those great free tools!
Traffic Exchanges
They are not so targeted but well worth your time. You want to join large and well established manual traffic exchanges. Don’t join anything you see, 3-5 good exchanges are more then enough. Traffic Exchanges are there to play with use them and test new landing pages, sale letters etc. Surf every TE you join for at least 30mins per day and consider an upgrade at those 2 exchanges where you get the best results from.
How to advertise
On the net you usually got 2-5 seconds to get someone’s attention. That’s a very short period of time but you have to deal with it. Do you remember the sentence that would make me buy your product? Now you will need it. Build out of that small sentence at least 5 totally different ads not longer then 150 characters. These are perfect ads for PPC campaigns and E-Mail openers.
Keep your advertising down to earth. Nobody likes superlatives or false advertisements. Even if your product is the best of the world, you won’t attract customers by saying this. More likely there inner alarm bell will ring and say “scam incoming”. You are selling a real product or opportunity and not a dream!
Marketing is not a sprint it’s a never ending Marathon!
When you came this far you are well on your way but never forget the most important thing: What ever you do, don’t blow your whole advertisement budget out in one month. You have to build a steady presence. Some people will see your ad ten, twenty even hundred times before they click on it and they need to click again twenty times on it before they decide to buy. Don’t give up if you don’t see results after 10 or even 30 days. They will come as you keep rolling.
Rome wasn’t built in one day. The same counts for your marketing success.
Christian Sandfeld
Labels: Articel