Solution oriented online multi level marketing for beginners. Part 1
What is this guide? It isn’t a marketing concept, it isn’t a multimillion dollar sale letter, its just something to think about when you create your next website or write an E-Mail to a prospect.
For my marketing I use the “solution oriented approach” developed by Insoo Kim Berg and Steven de Shazer. This theory was build for family therapy but you can use it for marketing without changing a thing. Basically the solution oriented model is a way to get someone from saying NO, I don’t want this to say YES, this is the solution I was looking for without forcing something on them. The theory sounds quiet simple but isn’t easy to utilize.
To use this technique we have to give up the “I am the expert, do what I say” mentality and start focusing on the goals of our customer. It’s all about how we can help him and not how he can help us(If we help him, he will automatically help us)! The most important thing we have to know is: Our new customer is the expert! Only he knows what resources he got, what his desires are and what he needs to fulfill them. We just give him a push in the right direction. Never tell a customer that his ideas won’t work or are stupid. If it won’t work he will realize that fast enough and get back to you. Our job is to listen carefully and ask questions. We can help our customer on his way to build a solution but it has to be HIS solution and not ours. What works for me will most likely not work for him!
That’s enough of boring theory, lets get practical J
So how do we use this small theory excurse in our daily business? The desire most people in MLM have is clear, cold hard cash! I call it the solution to there problem. Now ask yourself what have you to offer? A shiny splashpage, an endless number of great promises and probably a “make money in a nutshell” guide full of pseudo marketing know how and what products he has to buy from you next, ready to send from an autoresponder. Now you solved one problem of your customer, find an opportunity to make money online, but created 1000 new ones he is left alone with.
Offer your downline full personal support from the second they join. Offer your help directly, since most people have a problem with accepting help(wrong pride syndrome I call that) tell them immediately that you are there and that you are a real person. Ask the W questions:
Why did you join this program?
What are your goals?
What kind of support would help you?
Where do you plan to advertise? Just to name a few…
You will be surprised what kind of very detailed information’s you will get from that and how much confidence this will build.
I’m sure you know those forum posts, “Hi, I’m new to online marketing. I joined company xy how can I get more traffic to my site?” followed by 20 replys: “join a traffic exchange”, “buy tool yz”, “join my company that’s better than yours”. Did any of these advices solve the problem of our poor newbie? No, because nobody ever asked him simple but important questions. What are you doing at the moment? Where do you advertise? How do you advertise? What are you willing to spend on advertisement? Etc… You can’t solve a problem you don’t know so ask till you know exactly what he wants. Then you can come up with some solutions. If he likes them he will contact you and say: This is what I want, where can I get it?
This is so easy but so impressive for the one that is looking for help. Listen, analyze, ask questions and come up with some basic ideas so that your customer can build HIS perfect solution.
Christian Sandfeld
For my marketing I use the “solution oriented approach” developed by Insoo Kim Berg and Steven de Shazer. This theory was build for family therapy but you can use it for marketing without changing a thing. Basically the solution oriented model is a way to get someone from saying NO, I don’t want this to say YES, this is the solution I was looking for without forcing something on them. The theory sounds quiet simple but isn’t easy to utilize.
To use this technique we have to give up the “I am the expert, do what I say” mentality and start focusing on the goals of our customer. It’s all about how we can help him and not how he can help us(If we help him, he will automatically help us)! The most important thing we have to know is: Our new customer is the expert! Only he knows what resources he got, what his desires are and what he needs to fulfill them. We just give him a push in the right direction. Never tell a customer that his ideas won’t work or are stupid. If it won’t work he will realize that fast enough and get back to you. Our job is to listen carefully and ask questions. We can help our customer on his way to build a solution but it has to be HIS solution and not ours. What works for me will most likely not work for him!
That’s enough of boring theory, lets get practical J
So how do we use this small theory excurse in our daily business? The desire most people in MLM have is clear, cold hard cash! I call it the solution to there problem. Now ask yourself what have you to offer? A shiny splashpage, an endless number of great promises and probably a “make money in a nutshell” guide full of pseudo marketing know how and what products he has to buy from you next, ready to send from an autoresponder. Now you solved one problem of your customer, find an opportunity to make money online, but created 1000 new ones he is left alone with.
Offer your downline full personal support from the second they join. Offer your help directly, since most people have a problem with accepting help(wrong pride syndrome I call that) tell them immediately that you are there and that you are a real person. Ask the W questions:
Why did you join this program?
What are your goals?
What kind of support would help you?
Where do you plan to advertise? Just to name a few…
You will be surprised what kind of very detailed information’s you will get from that and how much confidence this will build.
I’m sure you know those forum posts, “Hi, I’m new to online marketing. I joined company xy how can I get more traffic to my site?” followed by 20 replys: “join a traffic exchange”, “buy tool yz”, “join my company that’s better than yours”. Did any of these advices solve the problem of our poor newbie? No, because nobody ever asked him simple but important questions. What are you doing at the moment? Where do you advertise? How do you advertise? What are you willing to spend on advertisement? Etc… You can’t solve a problem you don’t know so ask till you know exactly what he wants. Then you can come up with some solutions. If he likes them he will contact you and say: This is what I want, where can I get it?
This is so easy but so impressive for the one that is looking for help. Listen, analyze, ask questions and come up with some basic ideas so that your customer can build HIS perfect solution.
Christian Sandfeld
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