Why should you advertise in forums?
What ever you tend to sell online, don’t miss the massive marketing capabilities of forums. You can find large communities and forums regarding nearly any topic you could imagine. Just do a quick Google search for “(any topic that interests you) Forum” You will find at least 5-10. But why are they important for our online marketing? They are free to use, deliver laser targeted visitors, give you high quality backlinks and build your reputation. You can’t get better results for time invested then with just hanging around in forums and post about stuff you would do anyway.
Benefits from actively posting in forums
- When you join a forum you have the option to setup a signature, this signature is placed at the end of every post you make. Put your name and the link to your business in it. This is a setup once and works for life thing. Take the 2-3minutes it takes to create your signature at any forum you join. You are now advertising with every post you make. You can talk about Football or Cooking and still be advertising for your business.
- Start a new thread regarding your business (If not already one is running). Tell the people what you are doing; what is great about your product etc. Probably you find some interested people that will ask you questions or are working with a similar product. It will probably take days till you get response, just stay with the topic and post daily something new. This will keep your thread on top of the forum and will attract more people to click on it. Also new forum members and guests tend to read the top positions and high traffic topics very often. So, keep your thread interesting and on top of the forum. This assures you publicity for free.
- Then more useful topics you post then higher your reputation will grow. Reputation is exactly what you need. You want that anyone knows your name as an Authority in your field. Share your knowledge, offer help and support and SHOW everyone that you read, understand and think about what was written. Don’t make spam posts or answer questions with 2-3 word posts. Make detailed posts, 1 long and useful post is worth more then 10 little “I think you are right” quickies. If you know nothing about the topic DON’T POST THERE!
- Forums are Search Engine Spider magnets. Popular forums get spidered from google, yahoo, etc often 10+ times a day since they offer fresh in demand content. We all know that search engine traffic is important and from forums we get countless backlinks that will help us getting a higher ranking. Every post you make has your Signature containing YOUR link at the end. The spiders will pick up that link, follow it and index your page. Don’t ever waste time and money again on “Search Engine Submission”. Post your new page in 10+ forums and wait for the SEs to index it automatically.
Suma sum arum, you can cover nearly every important field in your marketing campaign with forums. You build your name as a brand, build personal customer relationships, get countless of quality backlinks to your page, get listed in the important Searchengines and all of that for free.
Christian Sandfeld
Labels: Articel

Very nice.......I'm sure it will help many people.....
online work
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