Social Bookmarking Exchange
Social Bookmarking Exchange:
I know that a lot of you are interested in this so heres the deal:
You vote/favorite me on one of the following Networks, leave a comment what you did and the url where i shall return the favor.
- Stumbleupon

- Technorati

I know that a lot of you are interested in this so heres the deal:
You vote/favorite me on one of the following Networks, leave a comment what you did and the url where i shall return the favor.
- Stumbleupon

- Technorati

Add to: yahoo!

I joined your MyBlogLog community. If you could FAV me on Technorati that would be great.
done :)
Stumbled you please return favour add me as friend if you want
Thanks, hope i picked the right site to stumble.
Hi, I stumbled you. Please stumble my blog at
Thanks - Terry
Stumbled you Terry.
Looks good so far..
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