Sunday, March 04, 2007

My Success University team keeps on growing

Two new members joined my Success University team. Welcome Laura Ruccolo and Hallema Mahdi to the family.
I wish both of you more success then you could imagine.

If you ask your self now what is SU or why should I signup there are some simple answers.
Success University offers you a 14day trial for just 2$. In this time you can explore the site, take some of there great courses and decide for your self if you like it or not.
Nowhere else you can get that much know-how and training from professionals for a low 2$ donation to a NPO.

On top of all the great informations, you get full support and guidance from me to get your business running.

Enroll Today


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Professional Sales Training and Advice: How to Become a Network Marketing / MLM Heavy Hitter

I found again something that is worth a read. Its a longer article related to "high tier opportunitys".
But what is true for high tier stuff also counts for GDI 3in7 or Success University.
You have to be comitted and excited about your product and find the right people to join your team.

Professional Sales Training and Advice: How to Become a Network Marketing / MLM Heavy Hitter
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Saturday, March 03, 2007

Link partners wanted

Hello my friends, as my blog keeps on growing in popularity, I am looking for 4-5 linkpartners.
If you have a blog or website related to marketing, mlm or something similiar I want to trade a textlink(No buttons or banners!) with you. The link has to be placed in a visible area on your index.html. I will place the backlink above the adsense block.
If you are interested just leave a comment or send me an E-Mail.



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Thursday, March 01, 2007

What is Social Media Marketing? The big boys will never get it!

This is a great post about Social Media Marketing by Barry Hurd. Its realy worth a read...

read more | digg story
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GDI 3in7 Team on track

Our steady presence at forums, blogs and communitys realy pays out. Each and every day new members join our Global Domains International team thrue 3in7.
I want here to personaly welcome my latest 3 new teammembers: Adrianne, Georgia and Yee.
I wish you more success then you could imagine.

Whos else wants:
- a dedicated and experienced team willing to share its know-how
- helpfull and responsive upline
- step by step guidance if requested
- a real opportunity
You? Then dont wait any longer and join our team at GDI 3in7!
Join us for a 7 days free testdrive. If you dont like what you see, you can cancel your membership at any time. Thers nothing to loose but much to gain.


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