Sunday, January 28, 2007

GDI and 3in7

You heard about GDI and probably taught allready about joining the program. It is 7 days free to try and cost after that a 10$ monthly fee. The referal program is 5 levels deep and you get 1$ per member under you no matter if they are on level1 or 5.
I dont want to say more about it as there dvd presentation says everything.
view the DVD presentation here.

Thats where 3in7 comes into play. 3in7 is a GDI feeder program with great downline building abilitys.
3in7 Guarantes you 3 signups under you in your free 7 day GDI trial or they pay you the first month GDI fee(10$) All you have to do: create a GDI account under an exsisting 3in7 member, signup at 3in7 and send about 1000hits to your free personal 3in7 landing page in 7 days.

But thats not all 3in7 has to offer. They have a great forum with very activ and creative marketers with great ideas like TV-Commercials, Postcard Marketing etc. You wont miss this!

Intrested to join 3in7?
click here

This program is a perfect match for you if you want to join PIF4P as you can now cross recruit.
3in7 members to PIF4P and PIF4P members to 3in7 ! :)


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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Pay It Forward For Profits

Pay It Forward for Profits is my favorit program. Its free to join and a great way for anyone to make there first steps in the Online MLM business. You just shuld ignore the crapy looking landing page, since the members area is a class of its own.
You get a 100% free professional online Marketing course where you learn how to build, maintain and extend your business. You get 3 ways of training.
1. A step by step to do list. Stay with the list, it gives you every day a new activity to promote your business.
2. A very active and responsive Upline willing to help you.
3. Daily live training conference calls. Stuck at any point? Ask a Marketing pro live on the phone!

Why did I join?
I saw the page manytimes while surfing but alwas taught: "omg WTF is that?" then a friend showed me the Memberarea and I was convinced to join. It was that what I was looking for. A way to sell my products to larger audience while teaching them how to be a better marketer.

Why should YOU join?
You are totaly fresh to MLM and dont have a own product:
Reduce frustraion and loss of money. If you want to start with MLM do it the right way and PIF4P is the right way! You get a great primary product and all the training you need!

You are allready in MLM:
You allready have a primary product and want to skyrocket your sellcounter? No matter what you are selling, Vitamins, Books, candles just to name a few. PIF4P will help you to make more sells, cover your advertisment fees and more great things

To Join Pay it Forward 4 Profits click


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